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The Producers would like to thank the following benefactors for their generous contributions during our crowd funding efforts through Kickstarter and through the Center for Independent Documentary.

Carlos Cañedo
Beatriz Cañedo
Allan Alford
Chloe Kathryn Alford
Bill “Scooter” Walters
Frank Blizzard
Chad Dickerson
Matthew F. Andresen
Richard Linklater
Dan Epstein
Julee Felsman
Stephanie Linn Max
Planet K
Patrick Hutchins & Dr. Kathleen Herbig
Swope & Deanna
Scott Calonico
Nathan McGinty
Bill Littman
Karen Blizzard
Ray Shapley
Ted Pietrzak
Mark Littlefield
Chris & Karla Bell
John Childers
Tom Terkel
Ron McRae
Terri W. Kelley
Mike Clark-Madison
Kirk Norsworthy
Betsy Pilkington
Richard May
Landon Peterson
David M. Haselwood
Ron Cook
Jon Harris
Todd Goodwin
Michael Geubert
Tim Adkins
Jen Duba Swanson
Will Faris
Tim Wilkins
Lyn DelliQuadri
Peter Schilling Jr.
Laura Koetzle
Roderick Jones
Michael Spears
the weavers
Jay Wade Edwards
Autumn M. Beck
J. Freeze
John Bryant
Kevin Cortez
Rob Heflin
Paul Souders
Thom S.
Dan Pape
Dan Brown
Colin Black / PNDLM
Aasim “The Maharaja” Syed
Ruth Andersen & Ben Rogers
Amanda Vernor
GG Politte
Dr. Jennie L. Rexer
Jeremy Hartman
Carrie Kautz

Michael Poli
Christopher Koenig
John W. King
Fred Stanley
C Pipa
Richard Fawal
Brian Killheffer
Steve D
Tom Meyer-Klipsch
Tim Brandl
Lee Dale
Marc L. Antonik
Jared Tarbell
Jerry Rappaport
Dan Pasette
Chris Phillips
Andrew Jalbert
Chrysta Cherrie
Harris Levy
Ellen Daniels & Adam Frank
Ross Nehrt
Fred Boak
Adam Brown
Dustin Hawkins
Jenn Shreve
Eddie L Beal
Greg D’Avis
Timothy Raines
Matthew Johnson
Nick Wiseman
Dave Heal
Fergus Sullivan
Nathan Loofbourrow
Richard Bennett
Travis Flournoy
David Davis
Gary Dauphin
Leslie Longworth-Weil
Jake Raden
Jimmy (Jams) Carevich
Sean Flikke
luke iseman
James Lynch III
Benjamin & Abigail De Kosnik
Tyler Fuckin James
Jeffrey McManus
Chris Downey
Joel Huggins
Jon Cody
Greg “Big Onion” Weber
Anton Legoo
Mathew Hennessy
Paul Knaus
Walter Kronkite
David Serrins
Alex Dobrenko
The Pons
ron & denise suman
JB Green
Agnes Varnum & Raoul Hernandez
Scott Byron
Mike Wood
Jesse Yuen
Sam Jacobs
Sara & Austin McElroy
Josh Guttman